GPS Program
The GPS program at Statewide Immigration Bonding
GPS Program
The GPS program at Statewide Immigration Bonding, Inc. is about providing a critical service to our clients, the securitization of their immigration bond so that they can be released from immigration custody. The Statewide Immigration Bonding guarantees the immigration bond and uses the GPS to secure the bond. This means our clients could not be require to pay collateral or post property to be released.
We know that sometimes it is a struggle to pay collateral for immigration bonds. We do not want to see any detainee deported because they couldn’t post their bond and get out of custody. Statewide GPS Service represents the hope that this may never have to happen again. We are constantly innovating our services to help more detainees in crisis. We are here to help you. Contact us today!
855-805-2663 (BOND)